Submission Info:
Submit via
1st of June 2024
Max. film length
20 minutes
Max. age
27 years old when the film was completed
Password for the submission
How to submit:
Step 1:
Login at or create an account.
Step 2 (very important!):
Add your contact info and age to your profile!
(The average age of the involved filmmakers / the director(s), at the time the film was completed, must be up to 27 years max.)
Step 3:
Go to “My Projects” and create a new project,add credits, stills and project texts.
Step 4:
Upload your film.Format recommended: h.264, .mp4
Step 5:
Go to and click on “Submit”!
Step 6:
Select your project and choose the age category!
Step 7:
Enter the password: YoukiYeah25
Step 8:
Done & done! Welcome to YOUKI.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us: