Youth Media

YOUKI Trophies by Amanda Burzić

YOUKI02. Oct 2023
Wir freuen uns sehr, Amanda Burzić als Artist in Residence in unserem Festivalzentrum im Medienkulturhaus zu haben, wo Amanda die diesjährigen YOUKI-Trophäen während der Festivaltage gestalten wird. Ihr könnt im Festivalzentrum vorbeikommen und euch einen Einblick in ihren Arbeitsprozess verschaffen :) Die Trophäen werden bei der Preisverleihung an die Gewinner*innen unseres internationalen Filmwettbewerbs überreicht.

BFFs by Amanda Burzić

79 films in 6 competition categories = 6 individually designed trophies from the YOUKI trophy workshop. 

Every year, YOUKI invites artists from different disciplines to create six special trophies for the competition winners. These trophies are created during the festival week in an open studio that the artists set up in the YOUKI Festival Center. In the Open Lab - a space that is open to visitors - the process of creating the trophies can be observed. An opportunity to get to know artists and their creative practice directly as it happens. 

In 2023, Amanda Burzić will design the YOUKI trophies in the festival center as artist in residence.

BFFs by Amanda Burzić

Amanda Burzić's works are located in the contrast between humor, misunderstanding, romance and familiarity. With dedication to reproduction, she appropriates intimate objects and manipulates them until they dissolve between memory, imitation, and kitsch. Completely taken over by stones, stickers, and slogans, they are lost in ambivalent meanings. Yet their form remains preserved like an artifact.

For YOUKI she wants to deal with objects that figure as starting points for films: Smartphones, cameras, webcams. She collects devices from her personal environment and creates references to the personal relationships she forms with such objects in use.

Amanda Burzić. Born in Salzburg in 1994, Amanda Burzić studied painting & graphic arts in Linz, where she was resident artist at Atelierhaus Salzamt until 2022. Since 2017 she is a founding member of the collective EDITION:. Amanda Burzić lives and works in Vienna.