Film einreichen - Call for Entries 2025YOUKI
YOUKI is looking for your film! Filmmakers, school classes and content creators can submit their productions for the international film competition 2025. No matter if professional camera or smartphone - YOUKI is the place where new ideas, first attempts, films of all genres, wild experiments, social media clips and school projects find their way to the cinema. We support your start into the cinema universe. Be brave and submit your project!
The YOUKI Trophies 2024 by Mina BanabakYOUKI
Mina Banabak made the YOUKI trophies 2024 in an open studio during the festival days at the festival center in the Medien Kultur Haus. Here are a few insights into the creation process and a presentation of the finished trophies.
Code of Conduct - Awareness at YOUKIYOUKI
We are very happy that you are here to spend a great festival week with us! With your help, we strive to make this festival a safer space. A safer space is a place where personal boundaries are respected. Where everyone is encouraged to respect each other and express themselves freely.
YOUKI 2024 Trailer by Shadab ShayeganYOUKI
This year's YOUKI trailer was created by Shadab Shayegan: Shadab Shayegan was born in Tehran, Iran. At the age of 18, she moved to Vienna to study music composition at the University of Music and Performing Arts. While experimenting with sound...
YOUKI Festivalfilm: Filmmaker in Residence - Luzia JohowYOUKI
Each year, YOUKI invites young filmmakers to create a film project from start to finish on location during the festival period. What often requires years must be done in only one week and the festival film is then to be presented at the YOUKI-Gala.
YOUKI Trophies: Artist in Residence - Mina BanabakYOUKI
Every year, YOUKI invites artists from different disciplines to create six special trophies winners of the international film competition. These trophies are created during the festival week in an open studio...
We are so happy to welcome Elena Wolff, Sebastian Höglinger, Simon Olubowale, Bela Brillowska and Kim Lange as this year’s jury :) They will award five films in three age categories, the Austrian Award presented by Kino VOD Club and the <3-Award.
Musikvideo Workshop mit Dominik Galleya und Amanda BurzićYOUKI
In 2024, YOUKI is offering a multi-day music video workshop for young people with basic knowledge of working with media under the guidance of artists Amanda Burzić and Dominik Galleya. The workshop offers the opportunity to get to know work steps from film concept to post-production and to create a video for a current song.
Was ist YOUKI und was passiert da? Hier gibt's einen Überblick darüber, was du am Festival machen kannst, was es zu sehen und zu erleben gibt.
Selecting films for the 2024 film competitionYOUKI
Out of 968 submitted films we can only choose a small amount for our 2024 film competition. Today we are spending another day in the cinema, watching and discussing short films from all over the world. To select only some of so many amazing films is not an easy task for the 26 people in our film competition team to - thank you to our head of film competition Martina Genetti for carefully guiding this process <3
JOB: Communication and Social MediaYOUKI
Wir suchen ein neues YOUKI-Teammitglied, das Aufgaben in den Bereichen Social Media, Grafikdesign, Online und Kommunikation übernehmen kann! Bewerbungsschluss ist der 17. Juli! Bitte sende eine kurze Beschreibung, warum du Teil des YOUKI-Teams werden möchtest, und einen Überblick über deine bisherige Arbeit in dem Kontext an ✨.
YOUKI is again searching for an artist in residence for the upcoming festival edition, who will design the trophies for the winners of YOUKI film competition at the Medien Kultur Haus Wels from November 19 - 21, 2024!
Every year YOUKI's International Film Competition gives 6 film awards to international up-and-coming filmmakers. In addition to award money, the winners receive unique trophies, which have been designed by artists from various artistic disciplines for many years.
Film einreichen - Call for Entries 2024YOUKI
YOUKI is looking for your film! Filmmakers, school classes and content creators can submit their productions for the international film competition 2024. No matter if professional camera or smartphone - YOUKI is the place where new ideas, first attempts, films of all genres, wild experiments, social media clips and school projects find their way to the cinema. We support your start into the cinema universe. Be brave and submit your project!
Winners of the International Film Competition 2023YOUKI
Am Samstag Abend, 14. Oktober, wurden im Rahmen der YOUKI Gala die Gewinner*innenfilme des diesjährigen Internationalen Filmwettbewerbs in den folgenden Kategorien gekürt:
Code of ConductYOUKI
YOUKI versteht sich als ein Freiraum, der Menschen willkommen heißt, um miteinander kreativ zu sein, zu experimentieren, voneinander zu lernen und sich inspirieren zu lassen. Um das gemeinsame Miteinander zu genießen und eine möglichst sichere Atmosphäre zu schaffen, versuchen wir aufeinander zu achten. Alle Punkte unseres Code of Conduct gelten für alle Teilnehmenden am Festival, für alle Mitglieder des YOUKI Teams, sowie für alle Mitarbeiter*innen und Partner*innen.
YOUKI Jury & AwardsYOUKI
Sagt Hi zur diesjährigen YOUKI-Jury! <3
Olga Kosanović, Sallar Othman, Zoe Borzì, Monica Koshka-Stein und Valentina Duelli werden alle Filme in unseren Wettbewerbsprogrammen sichten und entscheiden, wer die diesjährigen YOUKI Awards erhält. Neben dem Publikumspreis, dem Hauptpreis 13-17 Jahre, dem Hauptpreis 18-22 Jahre und dem Hauptpreis 23-17 Jahre gibt es in diesem Jahr eine ganz neue Kategorie: den <3-Award. In dieser Kategorie kann die Jury einen beliebigen Film auswählen, der ihr am Herzen liegt. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass ihr dabei seid, Olga, Sallar, Zoe, Monica und Valentina!
YOUKI Trophies by Amanda BurzićYOUKI
Wir freuen uns sehr, Amanda Burzić als Artist in Residence in unserem Festivalzentrum im Medienkulturhaus zu haben, wo Amanda die diesjährigen YOUKI-Trophäen während der Festivaltage gestalten wird. Ihr könnt im Festivalzentrum vorbeikommen und euch einen Einblick in ihren Arbeitsprozess verschaffen :) Die Trophäen werden bei der Preisverleihung an die Gewinner*innen unseres internationalen Filmwettbewerbs überreicht.